Easycomp goes green with EasyHost

EasyHost is the new paperless alternative for comperes

It displays first rounds, recalls and final results on an Android tablet, dramatically reducing the use of paper and printer toner/ink

All the compere's information is at their fingertips. No more lost sheets!

First Round

All First Rounds

Competition Details

A Competition's Details


All Results

Competition Results

A Competition's Results

In order to use EasyHost you will need the following:

  • an Android tablet with a minimum screen size of 7 inches, running Android 6 or later
  • a wi-fi router
  • an Ethernet cable
  • Easycomp Ultimate version 8.1 or later
  • If you currently use EasyPad, then you already have the router and cable so you only need an Android tablet.

    Recommended Hardware

  • The Alcatel 1T7 is a good choice of tablet. It is available from Argos and other retailers at a very attractive price
  • A Tenda AC6 wi-fi router, available from Amazon and other retailers
  • A 2m Ethernet cable, available from Amazon or any computer store
  • Download EasyHost to your Android tablet here, click the button below.

    This is a completely free download, with no restrictions or limitations

    Read step by step instructions for downloading and installing EasyHost here.

    Download EasyHost

    Version 1.9.0 released 14th June 2024 (requires Easycomp V10.0, or later)